Clemmons Family Farm, Inc., Piloting the African Diaspora Foodways Institute of Vermont - $25,000
Connecticut River Watershed Farmers Alliance, A Farmer-led Ag Plastics Recycling Pilot - $20,000
Northeast Forests, LLC, Vermont Forest Business School Training and Business Coaching Program - $40,000
Parish Hill Creamery, Science & Craft of Artisan Cheese Conference - $25,000
Paul Frank and Collins P.C., Human Resources & Employment Law Skills for Working Lands Businesses - $18,150
Vermont Community Loan Fund, Inc., SPROUT Loan Program - $72,000.00
Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, Business Development Services through the Farm & Forest Viability Program - $75,000
Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, Vermont Forest Industry Summit - $55,000
Vermont Woodlands Association, Merging VT Logger Education to Advance Professionalism (LEAP) to Secure Logger Education - $39,160