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Working Lands Business Development Directory

The Working Lands Business Development Directory is being developed to make it easier to find service providers who can work with farm, food, forest and wood products business owners.  Use the tool to search for contact information of various service providers who have particular expertise you may be looking for. 

The maintainance of this Directory will be led by Working Lands Enterprise Fund staff, in collaboration with Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, Department of Forest Parks & Recreation, and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. Please note: this tool is still under development. Some functionality currently exists, but please check back periodically for a completed version of the Working Land Business Development Directory.

To access the Working Lands Business Development Directory, click here.

Q: What is the difference between business and technical assistance? 

A: Business assistance service providers work with the owners/operators of working lands businesses to build business plans, identify and secure appropriate capital, assess capital expenditures and equipment needs, plan for business succession, and strengthen their personnel and project management skills. While technical assistance service providers offer a range of support services, from agronomic and production best practice research, to food safety planning, engineering and permitting support, animal health and nutrition consultations, water quality and nutrient management assessments, and equipment optimization support.

Q: How do I use this tool?

A: Click on this link. Then click on the check boxes that apply to the county your business  is in, the stage of development you believe your business is in (hovering over the text will provide a definition of each), and what kind of service you are looking for (e.g., type of business assistance service, the approach to that service). If you don’t know exactly what kind of services you are looking for exactly, check as many boxes as you wish. Click on the Search button.  A list will then appear with contact information for organizations that provide the type of services you are seeking. Click on the website link for the organization to learn more, though keep in mind you may need to search again within the organization's site to find the info you need. Reach out to the organizations that you feel best match your interests and needs to learn more.

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For questions, please contact:

Clare Salerno | Working Lands Program Coordinator | 

Disclaimer: This directory only contains a listing of non-profit and public sector organizations that provide these services. There are also many private consultants who also work with working lands businesses. This directory is not intended to preference any service provider over another but simply make the information available to working lands businesses to then take the next step.  If you organization offers the kinds of services listed in the directory and is not currently listed, please contact: Clare Salerno at . If your organization is no longer offering a particular service, please let us know that as well.

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